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Ridgeway Infant School

Together we can…Think Big, Have Fun, Learn More!


Ridgeway Infant School, Uplands Avenue, Littleover, Derby DE23 1GG

01332 760770



'Encouraging our children to be confident and independent Readers and Writers!'

Reading Lead: Miss K Muir

Writing Lead: Mrs M Stamp

If you would like to find out more about our English curriculum, please use the following contact details: or  

Read Write Inc

We use the highly successful Read Write Inc. Phonics programme to teach our children to read, write and spell and all of our classroom based staff are trained. Ruth Miskin Training recognise us for teaching the Read Write Inc. programmes with fidelity and passion – we know what it takes to make literacy pleasurable and rewarding for our children. This badge recognises that we:

  • Raise standards in reading and writing for our children
  • Are all expertly trained by Ruth Miskin Training
  • Gain the latest programme updates through regular visits from our Ruth Miskin trainer
  • Release our reading leader to ensure our high standards are maintained

The teaching of sounds begins within the first couple of weeks as children start with us in Reception. Children across KS1 are taught in streamed groups so that they can focus on the sounds they need to learn next. We are extremely proud of our achievements in Phonics and especially our Phonics Screening Check results in Year 1. In June 2022, 90% of our children achieved the expected standard and are therefore well equipped to become more confident and fluent as they move into Year 2.

Once children have completed the Read Write Inc. programme, they move onto Language and Literacy which aims to further develop their comprehension skills to a much deeper level. 

To find out more, please visit the Ruth Miskin Training website at:


Children will be bringing home a RWI book to practice the sounds they are currently learning in their RWI lessons. Please use this Help Sheet to find out which sounds your child needs to focus on that corresponds with the colour book they bring home. 

Phonics Screening Check

All children in Year 1 must take the check in June as requested by the Department for Education.  The check involves children reading 40 words which are a combination of real and nonsense words. The check aims to assess children's knowledge of sounds and their representation as letters.

Children in Year 2 should also take the check if they:

  • Did not take it in Year 1
  • Took the check in Year but did not meet the expected standard
  • Started school in Year 2

At Ridgeway, children follow the phonics scheme Read, Write Inc. and we feel this equips children with the necessary skills to be able to successfully take this check. Children will carry out the Phonics Screening Check with Mrs Stamp in a quiet room. Children are familiar with the format of the check as their progress in reading is assessed at the end of every half term and we will feel this helps children to feel as confident as possible when taking the official check. Please click here for a sample on phonics screening.


Fine Motor

Fine motor skills are the ability to make movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists. It is vitally important that young children develop these skills to help with their handwriting. Correct letter formation is an expectation for all children by the end of Year 2. In school, we provide lots of opportunities for all children to develop their fine motor skills. Dough Disco is a fantastic way to help strengthen your child’s hands in a fun way. There are lots of videos to follow at Spread the Happiness TV on YouTube. 



Forming letters correctly is a key objective in Year 1 and Year 2 and we regularly practice handwriting in school [starting from Reception]. Please click on the videos below to learn all about the rhyme we use to help children correctly form each letter:


Zig Zag Letters Curly Letters Around Letters

v w z

e f s o c a g d q


Down Letters 
b h i j k l m n p r t u y


RWI Letter Formation - Rhyme Poster 


Developing children's vocabulary is a key aspect of our teaching and learning in English. Please click here to find out more about developing your child's vocabulary at home. 


Recommended Reading 

If you are looking for suggested texts for your child’s age group to read at home, the Pie Corbett reading spines are a fantastic starting point. Please click on the year group below to find out more:


Year 1 

Year 2

Oxford Owl is also a brilliant website, which is free to sign up to, that has access to a wide range of ORT and RWI books for children to read online. Please click here to visit the site.


To find out more about our Home Reading Scheme, Oxford Reading Tree, please watch the videos below:


Year 1 and Year 2



At Ridgeway, comprehension skills are taught using VIPERS. VIPERS are a range of reading prompts based on the 2016 reading Content Domain Areas (CDAs) found in the National Curriculum Test Framework. Each classroom will have the Reading VIPERS displayed in their classroom and the class teacher will make explicit links to the skill the children will be learning about. These are introduced gradually to the children, with only a few of these skills being introduced in YR and them all being developed as children move through into Y2.

VIPERS can be used with any text that a child is reading, as well as on pictures, picture books and films! When any adult is listening to a child read, all they have to do is think of questions about the book/picture/film that cover all of the VIPERS. Please click here for some great examples of how you can create your own questions based on each of the skills represented by the VIPERS.


Useful Websites